I have a friend Nicole who is not a cat person. She always says that my cats wouldn't care if I died as long as someone came around to feed them. Well, I'm not sure I quite believe that, but I do understand her concern. I do a lot for my cats! I buy the kibble and distribute twice daily, I clean the litterbox, I provide treats and body heat.
But... what do they do for me?
Well, late last night (or early this morning) I found out.
Note: If you are afraid of spiders, skip to pretty yarn pictures below.Last night I had a dream. In the dream I was in a bathroom, and in the bathroom was a bowl with some decorative rocks. Suddenly a spider crawled out. It was a very large spider (3 inches in diameter - I just *knew* that in my dream) and had a hard shell like a crab. The spider started crawling around the large bathroom, and laying eggs, one at a time, that had little umbrellas that popped open above them automatically. (Don't even ask...) Then the huge creepy spider started crawling up my leg and possibly bit me, then went back to the hiding place in the bowl where it carefully concealed itself by looking just like a decorative rock.
The dream continuted with us looking for the spider, discovering it was missing from the bowl, etc.
Well, when I awakened in the middle of the night feeling kind of creepy (hey, I'm not scared of spiders, but it wasn't a fun dream) the first thing I saw was Mr. Pan. He heard me stirring and came to
make sure I was OK see if it was time for breakfast. Well, my first thought in my half asleep and creeped out state was "Oh, it's ok. If a huge crab-shelled spider was in my apartment, Pan and Java would kill it."
I rolled over and went back to sleep. Hey, peace of mind in the middle of the night is worth quite a lot.
And now for the promised yarn:
My final prize from the
Knittyboard WIP-along, Woolarina handspun:

I love this yarn, and look! She sent me a lovely card and some roving too. She said she was cleaning out her fiber stash. (Yay, more fibery goodness to spin "when I get better".)
I also got my prize from the "I'm an ugly ball of yarn" contest over at
Laura's blog:

Try as I might, I can not get a good picture of this yarn. With flash, without flash... it doesn't matter - it always looks weird. Maybe that's why it's "ugly"? I don't think it's ugly really, just very... interesting. :)