Socks #68

The pattern is one written by Sachi and is Jaywalker-inspired, with Grumperina's permission. She'll be releasing it soon. The yarn is the Opal I won from the 200sox KAL.
Pattern: Simple Chevron Socks
Yarn: Opal - oops, I lost the ball band!
Finished: 2/27/07
I knit these for the "Laissez les bon temps rouler!" theme in Socktopia this month. It translates to "Let the good times roll!" and is a Mardi Gras type theme, and what better for those colors?
I also don't know if I've mentioned it, but I'm doing the Lime n Violet sock marathon, basically the idea is to keep track of the amount of sock yarn you knit. Since I have (had?) a full marathon of sock yarn I figured this was especially appropriate. So far I've knit 2.43 miles of sock yarn since the beginning of the year!
Don't forget! You only have through midnight (Eastern Time) tonight to enter the contest.
Labels: socks