I'm going to try actually *writing* about sock camp now that I have stable internet and a bit more time.
After taking the ferry I got a ride to camp where I met my roomie Chappy-of-sock-blocker-fame, threw my bags in my room, and headed over to the main mansion for intros and cake. We got to bed at a fairly decent hour, which was good because Wednesday was a big day!
Wednesday (my B-day!):
We got up at the crack o' dawn (why? I honestly don't know!) and went to breakfast. Then we headed to the "store" There was tons of yarn, but there were also tons of eager knitters so the selection was a bit slim by the time I got there. However I did manage to get some yarn (pictures later).
Our first class was with the Yarn Harlot and was about basic socks, foot anatomy, and some awesome German books.

We learned that most people really do have feet the length of their wrist to their elbow.
The second class was the community blanket knitting that I posted about earlier.
After that we had a bit of "free time" for dinner and then gathered again for chicken games.
Here's Frieda with her chicken, complete with many chicks:

Afterwards we all hung out and chatted and knitted. Cookie had fun with a leg, although this one was living and attached to Alice!

Finally we went back to our room and knit a bit before bed.

This could only happen at sock camp! (And no, all that yarn is not mine!)
On Thursday we went on a whale watching trip! We didn't see any whales, but we did see some other wildlife.

We saw a few bald eagles, some African deer imported to a private island, and sea lions.
I also saw the patented Cookie Face...

and some Cookie feet...

In fact there were a lot of feet.

And some knitting:

(Can we tell I'm a Cookie fan? Seriously, she was just easy to photograph!)
By Friday I was totally exhausted and consequently forgot to take many pictures.
Our first class was with Cat Bordhi, in which we learned some new sock architecture, and she demonstrated knitting with a helpful camper:

The second class was color with Tina, and I didn't take any pictures. Then I went back to my room and switched bags and left my camera there, so sadly I didn't get any photos of the closing. I won a "Rowdy Rooster" prize... I think that means I'm a troublemaker. ;) However Christine (blogless and with me in the chicken pictures last post) also got one, and I liked her a lot! I guess being the rowdy ones isn't so bad.
I got up waaaaay too early and the lovely Christine gave me a ride back to Seattle. I'm flying back to Boston tonight. Camp was amazing and I met some great people there. I'm going to try my very best to make it next year!
Labels: Sock Camp, stash