So, the Frankensocks. These horrific creations were inspired by Maggie's love of crazy socks. I've been saving up leftover sock yarn for ages (although it certainly did come in handy for my sister's rainbow socks...) saying I'm going to make a stripy pair and now I really will!

The Frankensock came with me today (and with my new Yarn Pirate needles!) to see Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. It was awesome. I hardly got any knitting done since we got there pretty close to when the 3D previews started.
Now, you may have noticed that this is a single sock. This is, of course, very unusual for me. The problem is this (and here's where I admit my slight craziness to the internet at large)...
I really like symmetry. When I posted my bag of odds 'n ends to the blog and asked if I should make the socks match or just grab yarn randomly, Maggie answered that I should just grab randomly. I can't *exactly* do that, but I've been trying to be as random as possible with the order and length of the stripes. However I knew that if I did it two at once I'd end up switching colors at the same places or making some of the stripes match just because that is how I am and yes, I am really that obsessive about my knitting.
So the single sock. The plan is to finish it and then hide it away while I knit the second one (I am of course keeping mental notes on the length of the cuff (6.25" before the heel flap) and the number of stitches in the center of the heel turn (4) so that those aspects will match. But for the colors I will try my best to forget.
I have this sock set up in my living room so I can knit it while I watch my Netflix, which gives me fairly random times for color changes (when an episode or movie ends, when I get up to get a drink, when a cat jumps on me) and keeps me from paying *too* much attention to the sock. Plus it's stockinette. And weaving in those ends holds a promise of hours of fun. ;)
Listening to: Veil of Sin ~ Amorphis, Expo '86 ~ Death Cab for Cutie
Labels: randomness, socks, WIPs