No New Yarn In March!
Earlier this month I decided to pledge not to buy any yarn in March. Next month will be a big one for me with my birthday, my trip to Seattle and subsequent yarn crawl, and sock camp. Eep! But I knew that March was a month when I could be good and avoid yarn purchases. And I've succeeded - yes I know that tomorrow is still March, but I promise not to buy any yarn tomorrow either. Of course I did still receive sock yarn from the Rockin' Sock Club, but that was purchased previously.
As for the knitting, there has been quite a bit of it this month but I haven't finished a lot. In fact as I type this entry there are four pairs of socks in progress sitting on my desk. :o
I did do quite a bit on my Undulating Rib socks in the Flat Feet. The yarn is still fine to work with for me, and the socks are coming out much like socks with any other hand dyed yarn. I think if the flat had been one of the more "artistically" painted ones that might not be the case, but as it was - three vertical stripes - it was quite like what a hank of that given size would be if you dyed it in the skein.

As you can see it's knitting up in the spirally pattern that's common in handpainted yarn. Very pretty though! Also I think my stitches look a little less even than when I'm knitting with yarn that comes in a more normal (skeined) put-up. I'm sure that will block out just fine.
I think this stitch pattern lends itself well to close ups:

Now back to knitting!
Listening to: Odal ~ Agalloch, I Am the Wooden Doors ~ Agalloch
As for the knitting, there has been quite a bit of it this month but I haven't finished a lot. In fact as I type this entry there are four pairs of socks in progress sitting on my desk. :o
I did do quite a bit on my Undulating Rib socks in the Flat Feet. The yarn is still fine to work with for me, and the socks are coming out much like socks with any other hand dyed yarn. I think if the flat had been one of the more "artistically" painted ones that might not be the case, but as it was - three vertical stripes - it was quite like what a hank of that given size would be if you dyed it in the skein.

As you can see it's knitting up in the spirally pattern that's common in handpainted yarn. Very pretty though! Also I think my stitches look a little less even than when I'm knitting with yarn that comes in a more normal (skeined) put-up. I'm sure that will block out just fine.
I think this stitch pattern lends itself well to close ups:

Now back to knitting!
Listening to: Odal ~ Agalloch, I Am the Wooden Doors ~ Agalloch