Flat Feet Finished
A while back I got some Flat Feet from my amazing SP Aspiring Crazy Cat Lady and started a pair of Undulating Rib socks with it, promising to chronicle the progress. Well I fell down a bit on that last part, but the socks are now finished!

The yarn to the right is what was left - quite a bit actually. As you can see the Flat Feet didn't knit up all that differently than any "normal" hand dyed yarn. It still has the characteristic spirals, as I said before this is probably because of the way this particular flat was painted. In any case it made a very nice pair of socks!

Pattern: Undulating Rib from Favorite Socks
Yarn: Flat Feet
Started: 3/16/08
Finished: 5/24/08

The yarn to the right is what was left - quite a bit actually. As you can see the Flat Feet didn't knit up all that differently than any "normal" hand dyed yarn. It still has the characteristic spirals, as I said before this is probably because of the way this particular flat was painted. In any case it made a very nice pair of socks!

Pattern: Undulating Rib from Favorite Socks
Yarn: Flat Feet
Started: 3/16/08
Finished: 5/24/08