Sock Camp: Colors Part II
At the yarn store yesterday I saw a couple of shelves of Cascade Magnum that illustrated those colors pretty well.

I can't ever recall liking orange and yellow, although a creamy light orange (like orange-vanilla Italian sodas) is ok. I probably wouldn't pick it, though. Red is tough... occasionally I'll find a red that I like - usually a darker, more blue red. But since 95% of the time I really dislike red, I say that I don't like it. I do like some pinks, often in combination with grey or black, but in general pink isn't my favorite (and bright pink is less so).
And yes, Eloise, I will be talking about my hatred of brown. ;) One time someone told me they thought I would look good in brown. I looked at them sort of puzzled and said "I hope so, my hair is brown!" My eyes, in fact, are also brown. But I don't really like brown as a color for clothing or anything I would purchase*. Some of the natural fleece colors, especially the lighter more tan ones, are fine. My Rhinebeck fleece could be called brown, I suppose.
And green is sort of in the middle. I don't mind some greens - darker emerald greens are nice, and when mixed with blue I like green usually. In fact, my York sweater is primarily green, and my new Noro sweater also has a lot of green. Brighter greens or more yellow greens are not really my cup of tea. And I don't think I'd knit anything solid green. I have two green t-shirts - one I bought because it has an adorable cartoon broccoli on it and says "Fresh Veggie", and the other is a St. Patrick's Day t-shirt.
* OK, maybe horses - I do like brown horses.
Listening to: The Outsider ~ A Perfect Circle, Black No. 1 ~ Type O Negative
Labels: Sock Camp