The Britpop hat is done!

I'm channeling my inner grunge girl. (Hee... Nirvana just came on iTunes as I was typing that!) No, wait, I'm thinking of when he heartlessly dumped me at the age of 13. Ok, ok, I'm just trying not to look like an idiot while taking a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror. On a Friday night. With no one here but me and my cats...
What is your favorite yarn to knit with?Surprisingly, I haven't knit with all that many yarns - I guess maybe Noro Kureyon because I like the color changes - keeps things interesting! I also love the feel of Malabrigo but I haven't knit with it yet. Going to make myself a scarf when I get all the other WIPs done.
Your favorite needles? Addi Turbo - no contest!
The Worst thing you've ever knit? Hmm... I made my mom some red socks in LB Wool-Ease (by request) for her birthday. I asked her what size feet she has (just to double-check) and she said same as mine. I knit the socks, I tried them on and they fit great! I sent them to her, and they were too small. I hate red, too, so I don't want them. :(
Your most favorite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it, but it was the most fun to knit) The multidirectional scarf! I keep wanting to make more and more of them. I'm going to make one for myself in Kureon.
Most valuable knitting technique? Socks on circs. 1 on 2, 2 on 1, 1 on 1, 2 on 2... whatever, as long as I don't have to try to carry DPNs in my backpack. ;)
Best book or magazine? Knitting On the Road - so many sock patterns, so little time ;)
Your favorite knitblogs?There are quite a few, too many to list so I won't offend anyone by listing just one.
Your favorite knit-a-long? Dusting off those WIPs I'm getting so much done, and I get to knit whatever I want
Your favorite knit wear designer?Myself! Honestly, I can't seem to make a pattern without changing *something*. Well, aside from a few pairs of socks.
The item you wear/use the most?My Magic Stripes socks - first socks I made and they are machine washable!
I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you read this and want to do it then just pretend I tagged you. :)
Current Music: Where Would We Be ~ Porcupine Tree