Long Knitting Weekend
With all the travel and time off for Thanksgiving, I got a bit of knitting done.

Pattern: plain... Melanie's Birthday Socks 2010
Yarn: Fleece Artist Merino Sock Special Seconds Started: 10/31/10
Finished: 11/27/10
My sister and I have a tradition... each year I knit her socks for her birthday. She usually gets them around Thanksgiving, since her birthday is earlier in November and that's when I end up seeing her. She likes plain socks, so I knew hers could be my bus knitting for a bit.
Back in September or so, I asked her to pick yarn for her birthday socks, and she chose this one. It's really interesting yarn I got a while back from a Rut Bustin' sock swap on the knittyboard. I was a little sad to give away the socks from this yarn, but then again one really can't say much when the yarn has been sitting in stash since 2007.
Other than a few extra knots (it was a mill end, after all) the yarn was lovely! I still have quite a bit left, as the original skein was more like 1.5 skeins, so I might try to combine it with some other blackish leftovers and make socks for me. :D

Pattern: plain... Melanie's Birthday Socks 2010
Yarn: Fleece Artist Merino Sock Special Seconds
Finished: 11/27/10
My sister and I have a tradition... each year I knit her socks for her birthday. She usually gets them around Thanksgiving, since her birthday is earlier in November and that's when I end up seeing her. She likes plain socks, so I knew hers could be my bus knitting for a bit.
Back in September or so, I asked her to pick yarn for her birthday socks, and she chose this one. It's really interesting yarn I got a while back from a Rut Bustin' sock swap on the knittyboard. I was a little sad to give away the socks from this yarn, but then again one really can't say much when the yarn has been sitting in stash since 2007.
Other than a few extra knots (it was a mill end, after all) the yarn was lovely! I still have quite a bit left, as the original skein was more like 1.5 skeins, so I might try to combine it with some other blackish leftovers and make socks for me. :D