Not Knitting
First off, SPA: Saturday morning Cathy picked me up very early - getting up before 6:30am on a Saturday is somewhat wrong. We headed up to Freeport and were able to check into our room early - and may I say that the staff at the Hilton Garden Inn were super nice! We dropped off our coats and commenced with the shopping.

It was a lot more crowded than that, the picture was hastily snapped on Sunday when I realized that I hadn't taken any pictures all weekend. I bought some beautiful sock yarn and fiber, but we'll save that for later when it's been photographed.
The weekend was fabulous but low-key, just a lot of knitting and sitting in hot tubs and Starbucks and even some shopping at LL Bean. I found the cutest Merrell Mary Janes to wear with handknit socks in the outlet.
On the way home we stopped in Ogunquit to get an OGT sticker. See, once I saw one in my neighborhood and was convinced it was about Tool and thus determined to find one. Then someone more knowledgeable about the northeast told me it was for Ogunquit - perhaps that was Cathy too? In any case I am thinking that maybe other people won't know that and will figure out it's for Tool. Or maybe I'm just nuts. But it was a gorgeous day and the beach looked lovely in the snow:

The BFF socks are almost done - I've vowed to finish them before the end of February and I'm going to make it!
Listening to: One ~ Filter, One ~ Gravity Kills
Labels: knitting trips